Unity in Diversity
In order to explore our unique differences and shared humanity during a time of heightened uncertainty, students from the United States and South Africa came together to engage this essential theme through a lens of creative criticality.

The films produced by our three cross-cultural groups are wholly authentic works, and we invite you to discover your own meaning within them.  Enjoy!

The Films

Call Me Color
Co-creators:   Avumile, Cate, Jahlaina, Morgan, Will

The Same Indifference
Co-creators:   Amy, Chris, Kaitlin, Weihang

Dipped in Culture
Co-creators:   Atiyana, Jackie, Jedayne, Lwandle
Photo Collage
Check out our photo collage of responses by our filmbuilders to the following prompts.  Can you guess which photos belong to which prompts?
+  Me being me
+  Hodgepodge
+  Belonging
+  Something strangely beautiful
+  The view from my bedroom
With generous support from
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